The Hype About Triple Pane Windows- And How to “See Through”
Triple pane windows in Pittsburgh from EZ Window Solutions
It’s true that double pane windows do an excellent job at protecting against weather, drafts, and noise. This suggests that triple pane windows will perform even better.
However, this is not entirely true. In cases such as this, “More” does not equate with “Better”.
If triple pane windows were the best option, many manufacturers would be offering them. But, with only two of our manufacturing partners offering them, this reveals that only 3% of vinyl orders are triple pane.
The answer is simple: Triple pane windows do offer slightly more benefits over double; however, these benefits are, simply put, hype.
Cost and Efficiency with Triple Pane
Increased energy efficiency is the main benefit of purchasing triple pane. The question is how much it costs, and how much efficiency triple pane increases.
Purchasing triple pane over double pane can cause the price to jump as high as 40%, with only a 2-3% savings on your energy bill. It could take 30 years before the return of your investment through energy savings. If you were to reside in Northern Canada, which is an extreme climate region, the return of investment would be quicker. However, the area that we live in isn’t an extreme climate area, meaning the savings will not outweigh the investment, which would be prolonged due to a less extreme climate.
Yes, it is true that triple pane offers an extra layer of gas between the panes, providing a decrease in condensation paired with better insulation. The gas used in triple pane windows is often krypton, which costs about 100 times the price of the double pane window staple, argon. This simply proves that triple pane windows are a luxury product, which are mainly for show, and not performance.
Weight and Construction
Customer satisfaction is our main goal as window installation contractors. Performance is enhanced when we are satisfied as well. Triple pane windows are much heavier than double pane windows. Additionally, most frames belonging to triple pane are manufactured to host double pane only. Being that the weight of the window is placed in the glass, installation becomes a pain. This is because three exceptionally heavy panes are being forced into a two- pane frame.
Let’s say the triple pane frame is manufactured initially to fit the extra pane. The frame depth increases, resulting in a frame too big to install. This version of a triple pane frame will not fit securely against the interior wall. In fact, the frame will protrude beyond the interior wall, resulting in timely adjustments, an increase in spending, as well as an increase of price.
Triple Pane and Noise Control
Contrary to popular belief, street noise is not drastically reduced by triple pane windows. In fact, a reduction usually goes unnoticed. Unfortunately, should the frame be manufactured in double pane standard depth, coupled with the assumption that the double and triple pane hold the same width of airspace and thickness, the two windows fall within the same STC (sound transmission class). If you’re purchasing triple pane windows opposed to double in an effort to reduce street noise- don’t. The difference between the two is hardly noticeable.
Triple Pane Windows Aren’t Worth Your Investment
Long story short, don’t fall for the hype of triple pane. Unless you live in the Arctic Circle and in close proximity to a race-car track, a triple pane purchase is unnecessary. Save yourself a chunk of change, and your contractor a huge headache, by buying double pane- durable, climate-sufficient, and high-performance windows that won’t break your bank. As you can see, we’re just not interested in trying to sell you windows that you don’t need. EZ Window Solutions of Pittsburgh is ready to get you accurate and fast pricing on new double pane windows. Give us a call or send us your project info via the form on our website.
We’re located at:
301 Grant St #97, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 227-9673
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