Cleveland Ohio Demographics
Cleveland, Ohio:
Cleveland is a very rich city in terms of its demographics. It lies in the state of Ohio and surrounded by lakes and rivers. It is also called Forest City. It is 60 miles away from the Pennsylvania border. Its scenic nature makes it one of the best tourist spots in the U.S. The city was founded in 1796 and since then we have seen tremendous growth in its population. There are many factors that contribute to demographics of a city such as:
The population of the figure of Cleveland 383,793 which makes it the 45th largest city in terms of population. After Columbus, which is the largest city of Ohio state in terms of population, Cleveland is on the 2nd position. Normally, we see an upward trend in population growth, but this is opposite in the case of Cleveland. Its population has decreased since 1950. Its population was record high in 1950 when it was 914,000. Even according to the census in 2010, its population was 396,000 which is high than now. The main metropolitan area of Cleveland is densely populated.
2.Major Ethnic Groups:
Cleveland is rich due to its diverse culture. The population consists of people around the world. Major ethnic groups of Cleveland are German, Irish, Poles, and English. It is also the hub of many small communities from around the world such as Slovaks, Slovenes, French, Hungarians, Arabs, Dutch, Scottish, Russian, West Indians, Romanians, and Greeks. There was a time when Cleveland was the major hub of Hungarians outside of Budapest.
3.Major Racial Groups:
Cleveland is the home of world major ethnic and racial groups. Black or African American is the dominant racial community of Cleveland which make up 49.59% of the total population. White is the second dominant group which makes up 39.76%. Asians make up 2.39% whereas Native Americans make up only 0.50% of the total population.
4.Major Language:
Language is one of the most important factors of any country or city’s demographics. English is major language of Cleveland. About 86.19% of Cleveland population speak English language. Spanish is the second most spoken language in Cleveland which make up 8.76%. Other languages make up about 5.05%.
5.Residents Place of Birth:
The majority of Cleveland’s population is born in the United States. About 94.57% of residents are born in the United States out of which 72.64% are born in Ohio. That means the majority of residents are local Ohio based. About 2.99% of residents are non-citizens. They mostly include legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, and even illegal immigrants.
6.Poverty Rate:
The overall poverty rate in Cleveland is 34%. If we analyze the poverty rate in terms of race than Black has a 42.22% poverty rate. White is the richest race in this region with only 22.54% of white are poor. The Islander is the major poor community of this region. About 52.81% of Islanders are poor. Although Islanders are poor, but they are highly educated community of the region as well with 41.82% of people getting Bachelor degree. Cleveland is rich in terms of demographics.